
I once had a professor who started his Sociology class proclaiming, “I saw knowledge as a table filled with a feast, and I decided to enjoy as much of it as I could.” Students need to see themselves as valued. They need to understand why they should come to feast at the table of knowledge–to find their interests, abilities, and future niche.

John Quincy Adams, who used his eloquence to serve Justice and Independence, exclaimed on his deathbed, that he was “…content.” It quite honestly is my wish that when I am asked by God about how I tired out my mortal body, I will say, “I tried to be a good teacher.” And I hope He will be pleased with me.

1 thought on “About

  1. It was a pleasure reading your blog. It was very entertaining to know that i was included even though i was referred as a responsible adult (lol) Keep writing my friend; you do it so beautifully

    Your friend,


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